Country: Hong kong


Stella is a leading developer and manufacturer of quality footwear products and was listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on 6 July 2007. We offer a one stop shop for the manufacture of casual and fashion footwear for ...

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PFI Fareast (Hong Kong) Co. Ltd. is a company that has been providing comprehensive and effective quality assurance solutions for the fashion and consumer industry worldwide. With a wide range of services including testing, certif...

Micro-Pak is a leading supplier of packaging material for the shoe, apparel, bag, and accessories industries. They provide a holistic and unrivaled approach to mold and moisture prevention, protecting goods at every step of the su...

Asiatan Leather Design is a tannery committed to changing the narrative behind leather. They believe that leather is the ultimate upcycle material and aim to add value to materials by focusing on material interest, performance, va...

Brington was founded in Taiwan in 1973 and later relocated its production facilities to Dongguan, China in 1988. The company's headquarters is in Hong Kong and it has additional offices and production facilities in Zhejiang, Gu...